西武にできた世界初、キットカット専門店 "キットカット ショコラトリー"にはもう行きましたか?
Posted by: Aki?
Hi Ya!
As?I wrote before on this blog,
I went to the world's first Kit Kat store opened on 17th Jan
to get limited flavours can be bought at only the store.
But at that night when I went, unfortunately they're sold out already..
So I re-revisited the store in the morning around 10AM, just after they opened.
what I saw was not chocolates, but just loooong queue....
Same as our staff Maiko saw on their opening day, or seemed more people coming.
This store seems got one of the most popular store around this area.
To be honest, I didn't have enough energy to join this long queue after work as a night shift.....
But found they have "cream cheese" flavour.
So I would re-re-revisit there some time soon.
↓ ↓ ↓ 目指せNO.1 Hotel in Tokyo! ↓ ↓ ↓
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