Hi ya!
As?our staff Maiko posted on our blog, the world's first Kit Kat store just opened
in Ikebukuro, where is very close to Sakura Hotel Ikebukuro.
But Maiko gave up having a look their limited flavours because of the long queue.
And time passed, I dropped in there to have a look, and buy some if I'd like,
since I'm also one of the kit Kat lovers like you :)
It was around before 9PM the store is closing, when I went before going work.
There's not a queue and a few people around where I got closer.
Thought I could have a look, yes.
Oh, Nooooo!!
"完売" means "Sold out".
All of flavours were sold out except one. The store seems still very popular.
So this series has to be continued...
↓ ↓ ↓ 目指せNO.1 Hotel in Tokyo! ↓ ↓ ↓
☆サクラカフェは都内に3店舗☆ サクラカフェ神保町とサクラカフェ幡ヶ谷もよろしくね♪